Leadership4Faculty: Nurturing innovation in my team

VPPL_LS4F_ 2403
2 h Online
  • 21.03.2024, 12:00 - 14:00
End of registration period: 20.03.2024
Online course
  • Dorthe,?Peter André  ()
  • Kursadministration,?Development & Leadership, ETH Zürich  ()

Leadership4Faculty: Nurturing innovation in my team

How can professors foster curiosity, openness and intrinsic motivation in their groups to enhance innovation? What are some issues that affect innovation in research groups? In this session, Prof. Dr. Christoph Clases explores leadership and innovation in scientific practice.Topics that might be addressed include:

Innovation as a socio-technical process 
Expectation setting: Balancing autonomy and guidance of scholars 
Framing team activities by envisioning and scoping 
Balancing collaboration vs. competition 
Networks as part of a teams' 'innovative ?milieu’ 
Working with typical scientific reward structures


Only for ETH professors (assistant, associate, full)

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